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Tag Archives: Beauty

What does gaslighting look like?

People who gaslighting others often have the intention of feeling in control by manipulating their victims into agreeing and following them. Such as by adamantly denying ever saying or doing the things they’re accused of and by lying frequently. You must to know. Even when caught lying,

Which children are at risk of cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is associated with the increased use of electronic communication devices. Especially in the early secondary years when children grow older. Parents may purchase cell phones for their children. And having their own phone gives them the opportunity to create accounts on various social networks

How to deal with burnout?

If you find yourself showing signs of burnout. You may want to start making lifestyle changes to prevent your physical and mental health from deteriorating further. Here are some ways to deal with burnout: Take care of your health.  When you work too hard or

The Impact of Bullying.

Bullying is something that parents should never neglect. Whether their child is the victim or the perpetrator, it can have serious consequences. Children who are the perpetrators are at risk of being involved in. Or committing crimes, violence, destroying property, and using drugs. They may